Monday, June 25, 2012

Episode Two - He Whose Ox is Gored

Available here:
The Wasted Years Podcast


One-armed Dominatrixes. Dog-shit encrusted floors. Bed bugs. Crust punk germ-o-phobes. American flag theft. It's all part of normal touring life when you're Seattle band He Whose Ox is Gored.

I sat down with Brian, Lisa, and JC in their practice space at The Black Lodge and the stories did flow. I had never met them before this podcast session, so it takes us a few minutes to find our stride, but then hilarity ensues. Serious hilarity. So here's to new friends, new connections, and new community. It's what The Wasted Years is all about. That... and ridiculous tales of drunken stupidity on the road.

This podcast features excerpts of these songs from He Whose Ox is Gored's "Nightshade" EP:
- Charming the Snake
- Nightshade

Available to purchase here:

As always, thanks for listening.

- Aaron

Monday, June 18, 2012

Episode One: Brian Cook. Posted!

...and The Wasted Years is Live!

Available for download and subscription from iTunes here (please subscribe!):

The Wasted Years Podcast 

Or, listen now on this embedded player. (This episode is slightly over one hour long.)

Brian Cook, currently of Russian Circles, used to play for legendary hardcore act Botch, followed by the much beloved These Arms Are Snakes. We sat down in Brian's apartment and enjoyed a few beers while he spun tales of drunken woe from his TAAS touring days, followed by a tale of wake-the-fuck-up from a more recent Russian Circles trip.

This Podcast features excerpts of three songs by Russian Circles, from the album Empros:
  • 309
  • Atackla
  • Mladek
Available here -

Also exciting - we have a new url:

Huge thanks to Brian for taking the risk and being my first podcaster. I hope you all enjoy this.
- Aaron