Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Episode 15 - Gladiators Eat Fire

Has your van ever broken down in a location so remote that you have to live in a junkyard for three days, almost succumbing to local traditions and never leaving, nearly marrying the one girl in the junkyard - the junkyard princess, if you will - endearing yourself to the local youth, who look up to you like a Rock God descended from heaven?

Have you ever had to search for a vet on tour because your dog's anal glands needed squeezing?

Have you ever convinced a friend to put on chainmail so your questionably sane friend from high school could stab him?

Yeah, me neither.

Seattle's Gladiators Eat Fire have done all this and more.

Podcast available by subscribing on itunes or streaming below:

Standard Tenderloin antics.