Friday, December 21, 2012

Episode 10 - Chaos Chaos (formerly Smoosh)

You likely remember Asy and Chloe Saavedra as Smoosh - two very young and ridiculously talented girls who played with nearly everyone (Pearl Jam, Death Cab, Cat Power, Eels, Bloc Party, you name it) and even appeared on Jimmy Kimmel. Just imagine the behind-the-scenes workings of a family forced into the crazy, late night, booze-fueled and chaotic world of professional touring musicians. Listen and find out about the challenges of learning who famous people are (they didn't know if the singer of Pearl Jam was Eddie Vedder or Eddie Murphy). Find out about the perils of putting fake gum on E's keyboard (is he really as grumpy as people say?). Learn about the difficulties of doing homework on the road, and about sleeping in tents backstage before late shows that were past their bedtime.

But, that is the past. We also talk about their recent reinvention as Chaos Chaos, and the impetus behind their new direction. This podcast features music from Chaos Chaos's fantastic debut EP, "S."

Available by subscribing on itunes or by streaming below.

Check out the video for their single My Hands here.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Episode 9 - Mike Jaworski and Drew Church of The Cops

If you're involved in the music scene in Seattle, then you know who these guys are. And if not, well, sit back and enjoy the ride. They've each played in a lot of bands, but this episode focuses on their time together in The Cops, who were one of the most exciting live bands around for a number of years. In addition to their musical output, they are Seattle cultural impresarios, with Mike running the consistently good Mt. Fuji Records, and Drew co-owning - with Ben Shepherd of Soundgarden - Hazlewood, one of the best places to have a cocktail in the city.

There's so much we talked about in this episode, so as a teaser, I'll just share with you the notes I took while editing this: "David Yow parties hard. ATP drug dog taunting. Dog suit. Partying with Red Fang and Big Business, shunning Danny from Tool. Murder City Devils' tour rider. Hold Steady assholes. Touring with Cursive and Jeremy Enigk. House with water torture buckets. Soap Opera Star's band."

Listen and figure out what all of that means.

This episode features the music of The Cops, all of which is available at Mt. Fuji Records.

Episode available by subscribing at itunes or by streaming below.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Episode 8 - Into the Storm

Things I learned from recording a podcast with Into the Storm:
  1. It is possible to be paid 17 cents for a show.
  2. Exactly what type of mental anguish it takes to drive a man to write "The World's Most Offensive Song." (Hint - it involves a push mower, 80s rock, and Wyoming)
  3. You can fix a van's radiator with an egg.
  4. It is still possible to pick-up a prostitute in Vegas at 3AM when covered from head to toe in motor oil, but only if you have your wallet.
  5. These guys have what is, so far, the greatest shit-splosion story I've ever heard.
This podcast features music from the EP "Captains" and the forthcoming EP "Light Lovers and Heat Mongers."

Check out their music here:
And do yourself a favor and watch their awesome video here.

Available by subscribing at iTunes, or streaming below:

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

We're in City Arts Magazine!

Huge thanks to City Arts Magazine for showing The Wasted Years some love in print! I can't believe they used that photo! (photo courtesy of Mike Spine, taken at Cape Disappointment, WA)

Man, I really need to get some new episodes posted. I have two in the editing process right now - Into the Storm and Mike Jaworsky and Drew Church from The Cops and like 20 other bands.

Coming soon.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Episode 7.2 - The Making of Solyoni's Prairie Monsters, Part 2

Part 2 of 2.

The second part of The Making of Solyoni's failed road trip album "Prairie Monsters," in which we discover the fate of the Honda Accord, the connection between all-you-can-eat spaghetti and rap-rock, and how to use a wolverine claw in place of a rape whistle.

You can view a photo essay of the road trip here.

And you can download the album for free or a suggested donation here.

Podcast is available by subscribing at iTunes, or by streaming below.

Peter Falk in The Brinx Job, the film that inspired Solyoni's "Gold Mime Robberies."

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Episode 7.1 - The Making of Solyoni's Prairie Monsters, Part 1

Part 1 of 2.

This two-part episode was a labor of love for me. In 2002, two of my best friends attempted to deliver a Honda Accord from Akron, Ohio to Seattle, WA while simultaneously writing an album about their experiences on the road. The goal was to record the album once they arrived in Seattle, with me - a hopeful young musician and engineer - twiddling the knobs. The car and one of the two friends never made it. (No, he didn't die. He just got stranded, and then went home.) The car delivery may have been a failure, but the album lived on in our hearts. Two years, three states, five recording locations, seven musicians, and many, many beers later, the album was completed and released. Solyoni has gone through many incarnations since, and its members have spread across the nation, but the joy of making this album has held us together, albeit loosely and with sporadic output.

I sat down to record this story with Solyoni founders and main songwriters Dan Lurie and Dominic Aulisio, and once we got going, it was hard to stop. Basically, we got drunk and recorded a whole bunch of material. This isn't exactly a "tour" story. It's the tale of a roadtrip, a crazy idea, and how a group of young fellas from Ohio came to the great Northwest, learned a thing or two about making music, and maybe actually grew up a little.

Chances are, you've never heard the album Prairie Monsters. You can go here and download it for free, or for however much you care to donate.

I hope you enjoy this one. Part two will post soon.

Available by subscribing at iTunes, or streaming below:

Monday, August 27, 2012

Episode 6 - G. Stuart Dahlquist

I am a lucky guy. I keep getting to make podcasts with musicians from some of my favorite bands. G. Stuart Dahlquist is one of these people. I'm a huge fan of Southern Lord Records, and Stuart was instrumental in the early years of this highly influential label, recording albums and touring with Burning Witch, SunnO))), and Goatsnake (fuck yeah!). Currently, Stuart composes and plays in two other amazing and very different projects; Asva and Brokaw. But would you believe that prior to this illustrious career, Stuart was in a heavy funk Chili Peppers-esque party band with a million dollar record deal on MCA? Or that the best show he ever played was in a grocery store in Entiat, Washington, population: 1,112? Or that you really shouldn't allow he and Stephen O'Malley to wander freely, in Amsterdam, on mushrooms? Find out about this and more on Episode 6 of The Wasted Years.

Available by subscribing on iTunes, or streaming below:

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Episode 5 - Ben Verellen

You might know him from his band Helms Alee, or his company Verellen Amplifiers.

You might know him from his reunion shows with his old band Harkonen - but you probably don't know him from any of Harkonen's original shows, which he describes, simply, as "bummerly."

Then again, you might know him as Botch's little brother; the roadie with the pink fanny pack crouched behind the drumset with a homemade light show and a 40oz. of OE.

Ben Verellen is all of these things, and a real nice guy to hang out with to boot. Ben and I delve into some tour stories, and also get to philosophyzin' about the nature of The Tour, and how not to let it bring you down.

This podcast features music from Helms Alee's amazing second album Weatherhead, available at or at most fine independent record stores.

Podcast is available by subscribing at iTunes, or streaming below:

I also highly recommend you check out Helms Alee's video for 8/16.

Photo: Faith Coloccia

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Episode 4 - Smooth Sailing

You wanna know who would be a hilarious band to go out on the road with? Smooth Sailing, that's who. But beware, you'd also have a pretty high chance of a van breakdown, becoming a fugitive from California law, shitting yourself, and/or death by flying car. But at least you'd know these guys always had your back, even if that sometimes included Jackass-like pranks resulting in loss of hair, beer, or both. I had a really fun time listening to Ryan, Jake, and Chris weave their tales like only a tight band of road warriors can. Smooth Sailing has the recipe down pat: good friends, good adventures, good music. 

This podcast features music from the Smooth Sailing album "xoxo" available for purchase here:

Podcast is available by subscribing at iTunes, or streaming below:

Monday, July 16, 2012

More good things to come

In the process of setting-up, scheduling, and editing with some mighty fine musicians:

Michael Jaworsky of The Cops and Virgin Islands, and impresario of the always fantastic Mt. Fuji Records.

Working a connection (fingers crossed) to talk with some dudes who've toured extensively with American blues legend T-Model Ford!

One of my favorite new discoveries in Seattle, Smooth Sailing, is going to tell some tales in between performances of their crazy-ambitious theatre engagement Blood/Sailing. I love seeing heavy intelligent bands branch out into experimental performance territory like this!

All this this and much more coming your way soon!
- Aaron

Monday, July 9, 2012

Episode 3 - Jonas Haskins

Dylan Carlson abandoned by SunnO))) in The Netherlands! Sex freaks in Paris! On-stage hippy beat down! Redneck Pee-wee Herman! 

Jonas Haskins has played and toured with lots of bands; Earth, The Jesus Chords, Sera Cahoone, Poor Moon, Low Hums, Zoe Muth, Alela Diane, and Marissa Nadler, to name a few. It was great to catch up with Jonas and enjoy some doughnuts and coffee in the breakfast nook of his Wallingford, Seattle home. As expected, with lots of touring comes lots of excellent stories. 

This podcast features music from the Low Hums self-titled debut LP, available here:

As always, podcast is available by subscribing on iTunes, or the links below:

Monday, July 2, 2012

A Short Delay

Due to The Wasted Years Headquarters (AKA, my apartment) having to move locations, there will be no podcast posted this week. Between packing, moving, cleaning, and consoling my freaked-out dog, there was just no time for editing.

Instead, enjoy this disturbing image of a twisted couple who apparently think it's OK to pack up their baby in a box and ship it to their new home. At least I think that's what's going on in this picture.

Or this image, which I can't really figure out.

My move went pretty much exactly like this.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Episode Two - He Whose Ox is Gored

Available here:
The Wasted Years Podcast


One-armed Dominatrixes. Dog-shit encrusted floors. Bed bugs. Crust punk germ-o-phobes. American flag theft. It's all part of normal touring life when you're Seattle band He Whose Ox is Gored.

I sat down with Brian, Lisa, and JC in their practice space at The Black Lodge and the stories did flow. I had never met them before this podcast session, so it takes us a few minutes to find our stride, but then hilarity ensues. Serious hilarity. So here's to new friends, new connections, and new community. It's what The Wasted Years is all about. That... and ridiculous tales of drunken stupidity on the road.

This podcast features excerpts of these songs from He Whose Ox is Gored's "Nightshade" EP:
- Charming the Snake
- Nightshade

Available to purchase here:

As always, thanks for listening.

- Aaron

Monday, June 18, 2012

Episode One: Brian Cook. Posted!

...and The Wasted Years is Live!

Available for download and subscription from iTunes here (please subscribe!):

The Wasted Years Podcast 

Or, listen now on this embedded player. (This episode is slightly over one hour long.)

Brian Cook, currently of Russian Circles, used to play for legendary hardcore act Botch, followed by the much beloved These Arms Are Snakes. We sat down in Brian's apartment and enjoyed a few beers while he spun tales of drunken woe from his TAAS touring days, followed by a tale of wake-the-fuck-up from a more recent Russian Circles trip.

This Podcast features excerpts of three songs by Russian Circles, from the album Empros:
  • 309
  • Atackla
  • Mladek
Available here -

Also exciting - we have a new url:

Huge thanks to Brian for taking the risk and being my first podcaster. I hope you all enjoy this.
- Aaron

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Doughnuts and Coffee with Jonas Haskins

Dylan Carlson abandoned in The Netherlands!
Sex freaks in Paris!
On-stage hippy beat down!
Redneck Pee-wee Herman!

Jonas Haskins has played and toured with lots of bands - Earth, The Jesus Chords, Sera Cahoone, and currently Poor Moon and The Low Hums. Jonas has been involved in some of my favorite music projects in Seattle, and it was great to catch up and enjoy some doughnuts and coffee in the breakfast nook of his Wallingford, Seattle home.

Podcasts coming soon.

- Aaron

The Low Hums doing their thing.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

He Whose Podcast is Gored

The Wasted Years had an awesome recording session with Lisa, Brian, and JC (not pictured) of He Whose Ox is Gored at The Black Lodge last night. Debaucherous tales were spun of one-armed dominatrixes, dog shit-encrusted floors, American flag theft, strippers, bed bug infestations, and "juicey jaw."

From there, we headed over to the Comet to check out Seattle husband/wife duo Noise-a-Tron.

I wish I could post all these recordings right now, but duty calls in my other life as a semi-responsible person with a real job. Podcasts are being edited and recorded, and web stuff is being designed. Mid to late May, we'll be live.

- Aaron

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Good things are happening.

I didn't want you all to think this thing was dead. This weekend, I'm recording some stories with awesome Seattle "doomgaze" band He Whose Ox is Gored. Very excited to sit down with Lisa and Brian and kick the shit.

In the pipeline:
Jonas Haskins - currently of Low Hums and Poor Moon; formerly of Earth, Jesus Chords, and I think some others I'm forgetting. We'll clear that up on the podcast.

Ben Verellen - The man behind the amazing Verellen Amplifiers and Helms Alee; formerly of Harkonen, Roy, etc.

The ball is rolling, folks. The ball is rolling...

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Introducing... The Wasted Years

The Wasted Years is just getting off the ground, and I'm getting excited. The stories are flowing like beer, and not-coincidentally, are usually fueled by beer as well. Unfortunately, there aren't any podcasts ready to post just yet. I want to build-up a small batch of podcasts before I officially launch the show, probably in May sometime. But in the meantime, here's a teaser.

This is Brian Cook of Russian Circles enjoying some Ninkasi. Brian used to play for legendary hardcore act Botch, followed by the much beloved These Arms Are Snakes. We recorded for a couple hours last weekend at Brian's place, and he spun tales of drunken woe from his TAAS touring days, followed by a tale of wake-the-fuck-up from a more recent RC trip. Quality stuff for sure.

And this fella? This is my good buddy Mike Spine (Toschi) from At the Spine. He's also been touring for a long time, and getting involved with things like you see in this picture. Mike told me an amazing story about the time he slept with a Vampire in New Orleans, and then he and I shared some stories from our days touring with my old band The Plains.

Stay tuned...

Aaron A. Semer
Host of The Wasted Years Podcast
Struggling musician, songwriter, and engineer for over 20 years

NOTE: This page and design will be refining over time, and will eventually integrate with a pod-hosting site. This is my first stab at it.